Friday, February 28, 2014

DON'T show me the money!

In President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address, he said he would single-handedly increase the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 an hour, hoping that this action would help the "income gap" in America. There are many pros and cons to this proposal.

Antagonists against this proposal have estimated the employment would reduce by about 500,000 jobs. The promoters on the other hand are saying that this increase in minimum wage could help citizens rise above the poverty line and bump up weekly earnings for employees.

In my opinion, I think we should just leave the minimum wage where it is. Studies have shown that although some states have increased their minimum wage above the federal level between the years 2003 and 2007, poverty has not decreased at all. Which is the reason they decided to to that in the first place, right? Also, if you think about it, there would be a decrease in the less skilled and experienced. In other words, it would be more expensive for a restaurant owner to keep some employees so they would lose their job.

Think about it this way, we all started with minimum wage, and slowly but surely, over time we got raises and promotions from experience. If we don't have jobs to learn from, we can't make money, and if we don't make money... we're back right where we started.

Friday, February 14, 2014


In a recent blog post I read from Michelle Malkin, I came to the conclusion that Obama regrets his actions when it comes to ObamaCare. The post written by Doug Powers gives two cites from Barack Obama himself discussing his opinion on ObamaCare. In the first one, you will read a quote of Obama stating "it certainly wasn't the smart 'political' thing!". And it goes on stating that he hope in the months to come they can work out all of the problems it has made. Followed by the second, which was stated less than two months ago, it as in the "Affordable Care Act" is "here to stay".
Between the two quotes from Obama, you can inspect how his perspective has changed from these past couples months on what is largely known as ObamaCare.

This is one of the smartest things I have ever heard Obama say. ObamaCare is not what some people think it to be. In my opinion, ObamaCare is a further intrusion of the government in the lives of individuals and takes away our freedoms. The Affordable Care Act compels everyone to have health insurance and states that no one can be declined for health insurance. Every policy has to have certain features stated in the Act. As a result, signature prices increase for coverage of health insurance for everyone. It gives the government access to information that is absolutely NOT needed and they have no right to have it. In other words, it gives more power to the state over the individual. So basically, our freedom is taken away. Which I am not a fan of.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Illegal Immigrants aka Invading Army

On February 4th, 2014 USA Today published an editorial titled, "GOP immigration plan makes sense: Our view". The article covers House Speaker, John Boehner's, new immigration plan. Boehner's plan "would improve the nation's legal immigration system, strengthen efforts to thwart illegal immigration, and allow many of the 11 million or so undocumented workers to remain in this country lawfully." The House Republican leaders are willing to do their part, they just need President Obama and the immigrants to do theirs. The main points made by the Republicans were: that the immigrants were to pass a background test, pay fines and taxes, learn English and studies of citizenship, and prove they can support themselves without any help from the government before being eligible to legally work and live in the country.

I completely disagree with Boehner's plan. We are going to have immigration in this country, regardless how hard we try to control the situation. As a country, we could always improve on our security around the border. Developments that could be made are: the Border Patrol could have more security personnel and be deployed more effectively, and more fences and protective walls could be put up. Since these problems are not being resolved, illegal immigration is a problem in this country. It's a given. Boehner's plan is trying to find a way for these undocumented immigrants to remain in this country legally. WHY? The role of the government is to protect the sovereignty of society and enforce those laws. Boehner's  proposal ignores those responsibilities because they fail to secure the border and they grant rights and privileges to those who have broken the law to come here. The United States government should commit to securing borders. 9/11 is a perfect example of what could happen if we don't. Securing borders means regulating both legal immigration and stopping illegal immigration. There should be consequences for people who break the law by moving here illegally.

Failing on these two issues means the government is failing its citizens on two of its most basic responsibilities: protecting the country from foreign invasion and maintaing society based on rule of law.