Friday, March 7, 2014

at this rate, SeaWorld is a better option

I completely agree with my peers post, "Whales or Wells?" in The Politics of Freedom blog. In her post, she states that the oil and petroleum industry have been contemplating the action of advanced testing in the Atlantic Ocean. The requirement of seismic testing could result in so many problems for sea creatures. From "stress and behavioral changes" to "underwater communication" these creatures lives could be ruined by America's greed.

In an article I read from Oceana, the animals may endure "temporary and permanent hearing loss, abandonment of habitat, disruption of mating and feeding, beach strandings and even death". Temporary or not, that is not something that should happen just because of America's selfish desire for more oil, even when gas prices probably wouldn't go down in the first place. 

Just like my peer stated, this is is a predicament that once starts, will not stop. It would take a certain number of years, and we always, truthfully, want more. Sea life should not be a victim to our wants and the environment isn't something to mess with.